Sarah joined my Pelvic Floor Confidence programme in 2022. She was referred by a women’s health physio to build her pelvic floor strength and help to improve abdominal separation. She was extremely committed to the programme and the results speak for themselves. Now in 2023, she is back at the gym and working with a PT to build her strength further. You can follow her journey on Instagram
Here is her story:
“I was referred to Grace by a Women’s Physio as I was suffering from bad prolapse symptoms, including bulging feeling by the end of every day, and I had a diastasis gap of 4cm. Doing the physio recommended few exercises alone wasn’t helping.
As with any programme/course I was worried I would be spending money and still not seeing any results, so the alternative would have been sticking to generic online recommended exercises.
Day to day I now no longer feel my prolapse symptoms. Where previously standing for a few hours at an event would leave me in severe discomfort, I now only get a very minor bulge after hours of standing or walking. My gap closed by 1cm within the first month, but I haven’t seen a professional since to measure accurately again. Since doing the later modules I have noticed increased glute strength and even visibly improved shape. Grace also recommended a specific osteopath who after one session completely resolved my daily hip pain. I understand more about how everything comes together for example how my pelvic floor is impacted by my monthly cycle.
This is a very personal programme. Grace takes note of everyone’s own story and issues and provides additional guidance in the weekly emails and the calls. You come away feeling like you’ve followed a programme tailored to your own needs.
This is far more than just a Pilates course. I’ve learned how to improve my general breathing and posture, my toilet habits are better and I’ve built helpful movements into my daily routine. The course is technically for four months but I am committed to the exercises far beyond that and will be continuing with the weekly classes as well.
I recommend this because it’s the first course I came across that resolved specific women’s issues. I have recommended you to other women I’ve met who suffer the same problems.
We did one challenge of setting a login target and that was extra motivation, it would be good to have similar challenges especially nearer the end where people start to flag.
There is a lot to take in at the beginning around posture, breathing techniques and other important information that probably gets forgotten over the course, so possibly a short key reminders video or document that is inserted at the start of each module to refresh the memory.
I used to love strength training and the first physio I saw made me think lifting again would be an impossibility. Having done the later modules with squats and lunges I feel like I can work towards lighter versions of what I used to do. I know I will keep doing the videos for the foreseeable future, it’s now ingrained in my routine.”
If you are interested in joining my Pelvic Confidence programme and getting results like Sarah, check it out and let me know if you have any questions.